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Contains the following examples:

1. Biographical & Historical

2. Educational

3. Travel & Tourism

4. Medical, Scientific, Technical

5. Industrial & Training

Audiobook - Sci Fi - 3rd person


I'm a first generation Cuban-American voice talent and illustrator based out of Miami, Florida. For the better part of 20 years, I've worked on the production side of television and film at agencies like Y&R and for clients like Amazon, USAA, and Luxottica. My experience producing radio commercials, live-action commercials and doing post-production for two animated series fostered a deep appreciation for the tools we use to connect with an audience. My time with clients as a producer and animator have translated to a better understanding of the client’s direction now that I’m on the talent side of a project’s development.

General Knowledge

I’m an avid talk radio, audiobook and podcast listener; some of my favorites include The Postman by David Brin (Kevin Kenerly’s narration is transportive) and “How Did This Get Made?” which celebrates movie-making no matter the quality of the end product. I came to voice work after a mental health diagnosis caused me to focus on what I find most meaningful in my professional life: collaborating with others, and helping people through storytelling and information. A lifelong tech enthusiast, I’m lucky to live out my A/V dreams in my at-home recording studio.